Friday, February 8, 2013

Bullying and Harassment

Bullying and/or harassment can happen anywhere—in work, school, cyberspace, neighborhoods, and within personal relationships. 

BULLYING is often defined as repeated negative and unwanted actions toward a victim over time. 

Bullying can come in many different types and some types are illegal.

HARASSMENT is an offensive and unwanted action that is directed towards someone because of their disability, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation, or another legally protected status. 

Harassment is illegal. 

If you feel that you are a victim of bullying and/or harassment:

  • Talk to someone you trust.
  • Know the types of bullying and harassment and examples of each.
  • Understand why some people bully and harass others.
  • Create a response plan if you are bullied and/or harassed.
            What to do and say when you are bullied.
            Where to go.
            Who to tell.
  • Develop coping strategies to help you deal with bullying and/or harassment.
  • REMEMBER! It is never your fault if you are the victim of bullying or harassment.

1) Download and save Bullying and Harassment to your Job Skills folder under "Keeping a Job". 

2) Review the document and then print a copy to put into your portfolio.

1) Download and save Is This Bullying? scenarios to your Job Skills folder under "Keeping a Job".

2) Review the scenarios and the answers provided and then print a copy to put into your portfolio.


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