Saturday, February 23, 2013

Job Research

A job description provides information about the experience level and required skills you need in order to be successful in a certain job.  It also describes the responsibilities that are part of a particular job.

The following are questions that you should consider when looking for a job:
  • Education level required?
  • Previous work experience required?
  • Tasks of the job?
  • Social skills required?
  • Skills and abilities required?
  • Environmental Demands to tolerate?

    1) Open the document Interest Quiz Results from your network account.

    2) Choose 5 jobs from your list that you would like to research.

    3) Save the document Job Research to your personal network account 5 times.

    4) Re-name each Job Research document the title of the job that you want to research.  

                  Research Office Clerk
                  Research Grocery Bagger
                  Research Library Assistant

    5) Go to the JobTips website.

    6) Click on the path Job Descriptions - Overview.

    7) Complete the Job Research document for each of the 5 jobs that you chose from your list using the job descriptions listed on the JobTips website.


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