Thursday, February 14, 2013



Disclosure of your diagnosis means that you tell someone about your disability. This is a personal decision that is up to you.

Tell your supervisor about your diagnosis if:
  • you have social difficulties that are obvious and may interfere with you getting a job.
  • you have social difficulties that are obvious and may interfere with you keeping a job.
  • the symptoms of your diagnosis interfere with your ability to complete your work accurately.
  • you need reasonable accommodations in order to perform your job duties.

Do not tell your supervisor about your diagnosis if:
  • you are certain that your differences are not noticeable to others and will not interfere with your job performance or interviewing skills.
  • you are uncomfortable with others knowing about your disability.
  • you are uncomfortable telling others, but you are having trouble getting or keeping a job, you may want to consider telling your supervisor, but not your co-workers.


  • Workplace accommodations are changes to your work environment or job duties to help you do your job to the best of your ability.
  • A good time to ask for accommodations is when you disclose your disability to your supervisor.
  • If you want to ask for accommodations, you must let your supervisor know that you have a disability.
  • Your workplace is not obligated to provide you with accommodations unless you have a documented disability that requires an accommodation.

1) Download and save Examples of Accommodations from JobTips to your Job Skills folder under "Getting a Job". Print this list of possible accommodations that could be available to you and put in your portfolio.

2) Visit the JAN (Job Accommodation Network) website. 
Find your disability under the A-Z of Disabilities and Accommodations.

3) Print the list of Effective Accommodation Practices for your disability and file the list in your portfolio.

4) Download and save the Disclosure Example from JobTips to your Job Skills folder under "Getting a Job". Print a copy to put into your portfolio.

5) Save the template Disclosure Script to your Job Skills Folder under "Getting a Job". Complete the template to create a script to use about yourself when disclosing your disability.


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